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Fellowships and Grants

Schmidt Science Fellowship, Schmidt Futures in partnership with the Rhodes Trust, 2021

Part of a 28-member cohort selected from over 400 applicants nominated from 88 worldwide science and technology universities and institutes. 


Miller Research Fellowship, Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science, UC Berkeley, 2021 

Funded for three years (2021-2024) as part of an 11-member cohort.

The Company of Biologists traveling fellowship (Award No. DEVTF18119), 2019

American Heart Association predoctoral fellowship (Award No. 18PRE34050063), 2018 

Funded for two years (2018-2020) with my proposal receiving a percentile rank of 0.19%.

Biology Master’s Research Grant, New York University, 2015

Biology Master’s Research Grant, New York University, 2014

Awards and Honors

Lawrence L. and Audrey W. Ferguson Prize for outstanding doctoral thesis, Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2021 


eSymposia Scholarship, Keystone Research Symposia, USA, 2021


Journal of Cell Biology Norton B. Gilula Award, Rockefeller University Press, USA, 2020


eSymposia Scholarship, Keystone Research Symposia, USA, 2020


Travel Award, Scientific Committee, International Tunicate Meeting, Japan, 2015


Biology Student Travel Award, Department of Biology, NYU, 2015


Runner-up for Best Poster Presentation, 17th M.S. Poster Presentation Session, Department of Biology, NYU, 2015


Dean’s Student Travel Award, Graduate School of Arts and Science, NYU, 2014


Biology Student Travel Award, Department of Biology, NYU, 2014


Second Runner-up for Best Poster Presentation, 16th M.S. Poster Presentation Session, Department of Biology, NYU, 2014


Finalist, Threesis Academic Challenge, Graduate School of Arts and Science, NYU, 2014


Travel Award, Indian Society of Nephrology, India, 2012


Winner, Bio-Paradigm, a working model-making competition organized by the Society for Biological Engineers – UIET Student Chapter, Panjab University, 2010


Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science

University of California, Berkeley



shashank <dot> gandhi <at> berkeley <dot> edu

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